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Kirtidhvaj. J. Gawai1 and S. K. Gudadhe2*

Road construction practices means not only building a road but it prepare and maintain the complete environment for building and living, above as well as underground. If miss the environment from the road construction practice then that road is not solid road.Road construction practices can also cause adverse impacts on natural water resources and discharge areas.



Platelets play an important role in the vessel. Platelets are cell fragments produced from megakaryocytes. Platelets exist in circulation for 5–7 days and primarily function as regulators of hemostasis and thrombosis. Following vascular insult or injury, platelets become activated in the blood resulting in adhesion to the exposed extracellular matrix underlying the endothelium, formation of a platelet plug, and finally, formation and consolidation of a thrombus consisting of both a core and shell.. A higher than a normal number of platelets can cause unnecessary clotting, which can lead to strokes and heart attacks( cardiovascular Diseases);

  • Synthesis and Characterization of Silicon Cobalt mixed Nano Ferrites

Dr.Narender Kumar, Madhu Rani

Silicon Cobalt mixed oxide sample, with different compositions from 0.0 to 2.0 at 200C, 400C and 600C cobalt wt% were synthesized using a modified Wet-Chemical and Sol-Gel method.Proposed composite materials which are based on transition metal nano particles expressed in surface area to volume matrix gives different properties as optical, adsorptive, magnetic and catalytic.This sample also dispersed in proposed gas sensor on catalyses for different reactions. The synthesis method in dispersion of metal oxide articles and generally on chemical properties of such systems. The wet chemical and sol-gel procedure for the advantage of synthesis condition which allow the surface chemical properties. In this work, we obtained the sample prepared by a modified sol-gel and wet chemical properties and their structure.

  • The Effect of Organized Awareness Campaign Launched for Tribal Parents on the Consequences of Passive Smoking among Children

Cicily JOHN Dr. Achamma VARGHESE

Melukavu is a tribal village in Kottayam District of Kerala, India. Use of tobacco and oral mucosal diseases associated to it are highly prevalent among the tribes in this area. People frequently start smoking young and continue to do so. It is disturbing that these people are unaware of the harmful effects smoking has on their children. To raise the level of health consciousness and for wellbeing in this tribal population, special consideration from the government and medical professionals is needed. This study aims to assess the influence of OAC on tribal parents' awareness of the effects of PS on their off spring. It has been discovered that smoking and their socioeconomic status and education have a positive link. The study unfortunately demonstrated that the tribal population of the area STPs ends a sizeable percentage of their money on tobacco despite being a community that does far worse than the rest of Kerala in terms of literacy, income, and health. This study was expressly created to evaluate these facts because there was no information available regarding the true range and prevalence of tobacco use and the associated oral mucosal ulcers. The contrast between their pre-test TKS and post-TKS is compared. Peer pressure, cultural views, and the family history of tobacco smoking were revealed to be the main causes of early habit onset. The researchers advise more effective anti-tobacco awareness initiatives for tribal parents of Melukavu given the high percentage of tobacco use among them.


Dhanpal H. N Dr. AchaammaVerghese Dr. Ramu K

Mental illness is considered to affect up to one in every five mothers and one in every ten fathers during the postnatal period. Suicide is responsible for one in every seven mother fatalities, while mental problems account for 25% of all maternal deaths during the postnatal period. Although there have been no reported incidents of paternal fatalities, fathers are more likely to demonstrate a higher risk of suicide due to mental illness in the postpartum period.

  • Seaports as Catalysts for National Economic Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis

Prof. Nitu Chouhan

This research paper delineates the multifaceted role of ports in the economic development of a nation, providing an in-depth analysis of the interplay between maritime infrastructure and national economic growth. Traditionally, ports have been viewed as mere gateways for import and export of goods. However, the modern perspective envisions ports as pivotal hubs of economic activity, interweaving a diverse set of stakeholders and industries, driving innovation, and fostering regional development.

  • The crucial role of physiochemical parameters in evaluating the potability of water: A review

Madhuri Warbhe

Water is what makes our planet so unique and virtually everything on our planet relies on it. Having clean and safe water is vital to our individual health, our collective agricultural needs and the needs of our environment. Urbanisation, agricultural runoff and many anthropognic activities affect the water quality. Physiochemical parameters is very necessary and principal to test the water at regular interval of time before it is used for domestic, agricultural, drinking and industrial purpose. Water need to be tested with many physicochemical parameters like temperature, pH, alkalinity, turbidity, TDS, Electrical conductivity, CO2, Dissolve Oxygen, BOD, Nitrate etc. Evaluating the potability of water is essential to ensure it is safe for human consumption. Physicochemical parameters play a crucial role in this evaluation, as they provide important information about the waters quality and safety. These parameters include physical properties, chemical constituents and contaminants, each affecting the waters suitability for drinking.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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