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International Research Journal of Marketing and Economics IRJME ISSN:(2349-0314), Impact Factor-7.671

International Research Journal of Marketing and Economics (IRJME) is a double blind peer reviewed, refereed monthly International Journal that provides publication of articles in all areas of Marketing and Economics. Our focus is on important applied problems of relevance using a quantitative approach. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on following areas-

General Economics, International Economics, General Marketing, Advertising, Publicity, e- Marketing, Consumer Preferences, Consumer Demand And Decision-Making, Strategic Interaction Of Firms, Pricing, Promotion, Targeting, Product Design/Positioning And Development, Interface Between Consumers And Market Structures, Marketing And Publicity, Channel Issues And Emerging Trend In Allied Subjects. We embrace a wide variety of research methods including applied economic theory, econometrics and statistical methods. Empirical research using primary, secondary or experimental data is also encouraged.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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