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International Research Journal of Humanities, Language and Literature (IRJHLL) is a double blind peer reviewed, refereed monthly international journal that provides publication of research papers, review papers, review articles, technical reports, mini review and short commutations articles in all areas of Humanities, Language and Literature. The Journal provides a common forum where all aspects of Humanities, Language and Literature are presented. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on following areas-
Study of Review of Comparative Literature, Modern Literature, Creative Expressions, New Literary History, Practice and Theory of Creative Writing Literature and Language, Methodologies of Literature and Language, Theories and Practice of Literary Studies, Linguistics, Stylistics, Research and Developments In Language and Literature Education, Language and Literature Explores the Connection Between Stylistics and Critical Theory, Linguistics, Language Assessment and Language For Special Purposes, Language Planning and Policies, Conversation Analysis, Translation Studies, Sociology of Literature, Academic Exchange, Languages and Cultures, Humanities, Cross-Cultural Studies, Literary Criticism and Allied Subjects. Empirical research using primary, secondary or experimental data is also encouraged.