Identification of Potential Landfill Sites for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Using Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Sarah Khalil Siddiqui,
One of the main environmental challenges in non-industrialized countries is MSWM.In both urban and rural settings, managing MSW is essential for maintaining public health and high living standards.The most well-known method of solid waste disposal is still on land, despite several attempts to reduce and recycle waste.This study is aimed to locate suitable landfill sites utilizing GIS, remote sensing, and methods like AHP. A GIS, which has a large capacity for managing input data, was used to determine the best landfill sites in Lonikot and Mullah Kathiyar based on a variety of factors, including soil types, geology, elevation, slope, surface water, road map, lineament density, and wind direction. The pairwise comparison technique of the AHP