Colonization of Epiphytic Nitrogen Fixers and Associate Microbes on Forest Phyllosphere
Subrata Giri1, Agamani Pattanayak2, Bikash Mondal2,3, Subham Kumar De2, Parthapratim Maiti*2
Phyllosphere or leaf surface of plantis an ecological habitat for many microorganisms. In this study, microbial population on the phyllosphere of tropical forest plant was performed. Both bacterial and fungal colonies were observed from the leaf surface of Simul (Bombax ceiba L.), Gamhar (Gemelina arborea Roxb.), Bahera (Terminalia belerica (Gaertn.) Roxb.), Haldu (Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Brandis), Bijayasar (Pterocarpu smarsupium Roxb.), Mahua (Madhuca latifolia (Roxb.) A. Chev.), Jam (Garuga piñat aRoxb.), and Piyal (Buchanania cochinchinensis (Lour.) Almeida) plant. Leaf impression technique was used to assess the approximate density of microbial population and leaf washing method was adopted for isolation of the organisms. Nutrient agars with myconazole nitrate powder