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  • Effects of heavy metals on the ventilation and opercular movement in C.gachua and C.reba.

Mandip Kumar Roy. and Akriti Rani

Several heavy metals which are present as pollutants in the water bodies have been established a toxic substances to fishes. The present study has been aimed to regulate their entry in the various water bodies so that it can be ensured that they may not be adversely affected in any way. It has been found that the effects of heavy metals in fish can be variable to a greater extent. apart from causing death either directly or due to starvation by destruction of food organism many heavy metals have shown to affect the survival behavior, growth, reproduction, physiology biochemistry and pathology of fish with evidence of tissue damage.

  • Evaluation of the Efficacy of Mosquito Treated net in the prevalence of Malaria in Giri Village Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria.

Azare B.A., Gimba U.N and Adamu Z.I

The study is to look at an evaluation of efficacy of mosquito treated net in the prevalence of malaria in Giri village. 60 respondents were selected for the study through the simple use of sampling random techniques. In the analysis of data collected from the field of study, the following findings were discovered: that 28 respondents (46.7%) reported that they use treated bed nets while 32 respondents

  • Verification of Calculated External Radiation Dose Rates for Radioactive Waste Container using Microshield Computer Code

Amaal A. Tawfik

According to the law No.7/2010, Egyptian atomic energy authority (EAEA) represented in the hot laboratories and waste management center (centralized waste facility, HLWMC) has the responsibility of collecting, conditioning, storing and management of all types of radioactive waste from all Egyptian territory including spent radioactive sealed sources (SRSSs). Conditioning and packaging procedure for two of the most common SRSSs (Cs137 & Co-60) have been performed into 4 drums in HLWMC as mentioned in reference one of this paper

  • The Migration and Settlement of the Manipuris in Assam

Dr M. Ningamba Singha

The history of the migration of the Manipuris from their homeland Manipur and settled at different places in the different periods of time in Assam. Their settlement can be seen in the Barak Valley, the Brahmaputra Valley and the Surma Valley (presently in Bangladesh) of Assam are the zenith of a long process events and circumstances. It is an effort to learn more about the Manipuris' history of settlement and migration in Assam. Their current composite identity is directly linked to their history of settlement. The study employed both primary and secondary sources. The primary sources were gathered through field study in the Manipuri settlement different districts of Assam and its surrounding areas. The Questionnaires were distributed and interviews were conducted with the local and dignitaries. The information, thus, collected were corroborated with the secondary sources collected from numerous published articles and books. Thus, a comprehensive account of the history of the migration and settlement of the Manipuris in Assam was formulated.Thus, in this paper tries to find out the history of the migration and settlement of the Manipuris in Assam.


Ren-Jen Hwang , Shu-Chun Lin

In response to the uncertainty of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, schools of all levels in Taiwan complied with the Ministry of Education’s principle to postpone the start of the semester. To facilitate the “Suspending Classes without Stopping Learning”, a university in northern Taiwan implemented various digital learning programs as substitutes for conventional courses. Asynchronous distance teaching (such as prerecorded videos for online teaching) was commonly used in the past

  • “The Value of Time Management in the Present day healthcare industry and Coronavirus crisis”

Mr. Mandeep Narang, Dr. Mamta Bansal

This paper is all about the management of time and the importance of time in present day treatment of patients and healthcare industry. There have been so many urgencies in the past but never has the world seen such a competition or race against time. In-spite of all the modern-day advancements present all over the world, no such machinery is still invented or available in the present-day world that can intervene and stop time from moving ahead. This article is meant to basically bring awareness among the masses regarding value of time for everyone especially visible during this pandemic period

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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