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  • Physiological Plant Disorders:A Study

Dr Parveen Kumar

India is second only to China when it comes to global fruit production. India has the potential to become a global leader in the cultivation of perennial fruits. Some of the most important include the jackfruit, coconut, sapota, bael, ber, cashew, aonla, pomegranate, litchi, guava, citrus,andaonla. Fruits of this economic value might be sent all over the globe. They ensure the fruit producers will have a reliable source of revenue while also contributing to the safety of the nation's food supply. Consequently, reducing waste at each of its multiple points of origin is crucial for increasing production rates and standards. Scientists have speculated that abiotic variables are to blame for as much as 70 percent of the global loss in agricultural production. India is the second largest grower of fruits worldwide, yet the country's production is dismally low. Woody perennial fruit crops are impacted by both genetics and environmental factors in their physiology and ecology. In India, the main reasons for low fruit crop yield are not biotic issues but rather alternate bearing, unfruitfulness, fruit drop, fruit cracking, sun-burn or scorching, malformation, wilt,


Tarunika Uniyal Dr. Shivanand M.Patil

Numerous illnesses, whether acute or chronic, are typically treated with the aid of a drug delivery system and particular dose forms. The oral route is one of the several delivery methods for medication that is ideal and preferred by patients. For some medications, the oral route causes issues. Several factors, including the location of the enzymes in the GI fluids, the pH of the GIT, and the enzymes attached to the GIT membranes, may contribute to bioavailability issues. In some instances, the mechanism or the route of administration can be changed to address drug-related issues. The development of new drug molecules entities to the unique delivery method of already existing drug molecules up to certain extending changes their therapeutic efficacy, patient protection, and prevent unwanted consequences were the key study areas. Using powerful pharmaceuticals is one of the much technological advancement that is essential to a healthy living. Notwithstanding its safety and pharmacological efficacy, the idea of a dosage form in which a medicine is incorporated is effectively evolving. Drug delivery systems have been designed using a variety of scientific technologies. Due to its superior accessibility, pleasant dosage administration, and patient compliance for non-invasive medication delivery, oral drug administration is significant and frequently employed. Oral dosing forms have some drawbacks, including uneven medication absorption, brief stomach residence duration, and partial drug release. To get over these restrictions, a lot of focus has recently been placed on adapting oral dose forms to survive in diverse GIT environments. Although the relationship between medication administration and its pharmacological effect is a complex parameter, choosing and formulating the optimum dosage form is an essential step in the drug development process. Each drug response is affected by a number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including product bioavailability (drug absorption rate), pharmacokinetics, and the specific concentration-effect connection.

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  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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