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Design and Implementation of Student Registration Attendance Management System Using Biometric (A Case Study Computer Science Department) Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT)
Nsude Okechukwu Paul and Gloria Ebere Amadi, Nwankwo Ugochukwu Cornelius
In Nigerian academic institutions, managing attendance has been a significant concern over the years. Quality attendance management has been a challenge across the board, from universities to polytechnics, institutions of education, and secondary schools.

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Bivab Neupane
In context of Nepal, the number of Nepalese going aboard is increasing significantly in the last two decades. The number of labor permit issue increased by 150 percent (i.e.204, 533 in fiscal years 2006/07 to 512,887 in 2014/15). As there is rising trend of migration, the workers remittance income is also moving in the same direction. The remittance income has precipitously increased from 56 billion in 2000/01 to 617.27 billion in 2014/15. (Economic Survey, 2014/15) The contribution of remittances to GDP has been ranging from 11 % to 19. 4% during the period of 2002/03 to 2009/10. The remittance to GDP ratio was higher in 2008/09 (21.20 %) but sharply decreased in 2010/11 (18.50 %). The share of remittance to GDP has fluctuating trend until FY (2010/11) then after, it has an increasing trend up to 30 percent 2014/15.

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Dr. G. G. Parkhe
The term Environmental and Social Audit may be interpreted in several ways. As far as common understanding goes, it is an essential assessment of how well a company has discharged its social obligations. However experts see it as a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of an organization’s ‘social performance’ which is interpreted as organizational efforts in enriching the general welfare of the whole community and the whole society

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Effect of planting method, inorganic fertilizers and FYM levels on growth and yield attributes of soybean under western Maharashtra condition
*Prashant G. Shete1 Digvijay Dubey2
A Field experiment was conducted during 2020 and 2021 on medium black soil of Instructional farm, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Narayangaon to find out the response of planting methods, nutrient management and FYM levels on Soybean Sowing on ridges and furrow recorded significantly the highest plant height at 45 and 60 days after harvest, length of pods, text weight, seed yield (2122.36 kg/ha) and stover yield (5330.87). There were12.68% higher over flat bed. Among the different levels of fertilizers 100 % RDF out

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“Challenges during Corona Virus Disease19 for people with disabilitiesâ€
The main purpose of study is to clarify the impact ofCorona Virus Disease19 ondisabled person. This paper analyses the interaction of two units first isimpact of Corona Virus Disease-19on disabled people and second ischallenges during covid-19 for people with disabilitiesPeople living with disabilities have been disproportionately impacted by the covid -19 pandemic. As this particularly vulnerable or unsafe segment of the population surrounda variety of conditions and impairments, those with disabilities have faced many barriers throughout the pandemic.

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“A Comparative Study of Aggression among Male and Female Sportsmenâ€
The purpose of the study was to examine the aggression among male sportsmen and female sportsmen. Sample of the study 80sportsmen, 40malesportsmen and 40 female sportsmen. Hypothesis of the study male sportsmen have significantly high aggressive than the female sportsmen. Aggression test is developed and standardized by Km Roma Pal and Mrs. TasneemNaqvi. Besides these, a PDS was used to get the other necessary information relating to the respondents. Conclusion 1.male sportsmen have significantly high aggressive than the female sportsmen.

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Assessing the Body Temperature and SpO2Level during Covid-19 Pandemic among Men and Women
Dr. Anil Kisan Bade
The object of this study was to examine the Body temperature and Blood oxygen level (SpO2)between men and women in urban area of Pune District especially in Junnar urban area.
For this research, population form Junnar Nagarpalica area have been selected as population a total of 60 among them 30 men and 30 women age group of 21 to 40 years old. The test was conducted during the Maharashtra governments policy of “ Maze KutumbaMaziZababdari†during Covid-19 Pandemics in 2020, so government permitted particular area for test and the particular data was submitted to government agencies also.

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Measuring Tape That Measures Body Water, Dry Lean Mass, Skeletal Muscle Mass and BMR
Khwaja Ahmad Shadab
This paper includes the description of a measuring tape, the world’s first anthropometric device, which determines the human body composition even at tissue and molecular levels, within a minute.This invented tape remains very light in weight, non-clinical, non-invasive, non-electric, and eco-friendly. Even the pregnant women, pacemaker holders, sick, obese or bedridden people can use this flexible measuring tape.This device functions without use of battery or any other power supply. The users get the accurate results, instantly. This invention helps determine PBF and Body Fat Mass, FFM, Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM), Total Body Water (TBW), Intracellular Water (ICW), Extracellular Water (ECW), Dry Lean Mass (DLM), Proteins, Minerals, Body Cell Mass (BCM), Bone Mass (BM), Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), BMI value, Visceral Fat Mass (VFM), Trunk Fat Mass, Waist Circumference to Body Height Ratio (WHtR), and Age Peak Height Velocity (in the growing children). In the case of users more than 12 years old, the present invention requires Body Height, Waist Circumference and Body Weight to give the results. Only APHV measurement needs the user’s Age.

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Roop Singh Meena
The position of the Pauli exclusion rule has not yet been analyzed. We illustrate the exposure by Pauli, his criteria for electrons, and the summarized standard for all essential particles in the reformulation of quantum mechanics. The fundamentals for the verification of the Pauli exclusion principle are the motivations driving and the stages of speculative onset. Two clear types of imperative results and approaches are analyzed: (1) the search for electrified particles and centers in stable non-Pauli states, and (2) estimation where the observed radiation of non-Pauli transformations is observed. All things considered, comments on the analyzed tests which are from general quantum mechanical initial stages and hypothesis gathering are common.

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Chiranji lal Meena
Insects are the most unique group of animals in the world with respect to both coordinated classification and specific cutoffs. Insects primarily address a large portion of the animal categories in traditional and new water routine construction.
In these orders, there is a large variety of Hemiptera bugs. Earlier experts see two orders of these insects, the Hemiptera or true insects and the Homoptera which includes the cicadas, howlers, aphids and their allies. Previously interest had separated the homopterans into two suborders; Aucenorhyncha, which includes cicadas and anthers, and Sternorhyncha, which includes psyllids, whiteflies, aphids, and scale bugs. Within the suborder Heteroptera, the family Pentatomidae is known to shape the third most important family, followed by Raduvidae and Miridae. The Pentatomidae are one of the most important genera of the genus, which are widespread in tropical and temperate regions, being most abundant in tropical regions.

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General Scenario on Global Warming and Challenges for Future Generation
Kamble Pravin Bhanudas
The term "global warming" refers to the scientific phenomena of the earth's temperature increasing. The increase in carbon emissions into the atmosphere is what is causing this temperature rise. This explains why, in the latter quarter of the 20th century, the world's climate underwent a similar transition. This transformation is mostly the result of human activity. The biggest threat to humanity in the twenty-first century is climate change, particularly as it relates to global warming. We must accept that it has already demonstrated negative effects on many facets of life and that the world is afraid of the consequences, which include a declining ecosystem, worsening droughts, changes to the agricultural system, contamination of soil and water, biodiversity loss, and many more. Overall, the extent of global warming and its predicted future have put human life itself at trouble.

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