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  • Startups India Campaign: An overview


India has the largest population in the world but when the term employment is concerned, the job availability as well as job creation in India is limited even when cheap manpower is available in India on large scale. To counter this situation new jobs should be created. Some cities have abundance job opportunity but the same is lacking in the other cities. To take advantage of demographic dividend, Government of India launched a Scheme “Start Ups India” on 16th January 2016 to build a strong eco system for nurturing innovation and startups in the country which will boost economic growth and large scale employment opportunity.

  • A Study on Selected Equity Midcap Mutual Funds in India

Khushi Kalra

This study tries to offer a thorough examination of a few Indian equities midcap mutual funds. Equity midcap funds are renowned for their ability to increase returns by making investments in midsized businesses with promising growth prospects. In-depth examination of these funds' performance, risk profile, investment approach, and investor preferences is conducted in this study. The data has been taken from various websites of mutual fund schemes. The information for the analysis is gathered from a number of sources, including credible financial databases, yearly reports, and money control (websites). In this research paper an attempt is made to analyse the performance of the growth-oriented equity midcap schemes from 2020 to 2022 on the basis of return and risk evaluation. Treynor Ratio, Beta, Standard deviation, Sharpe ratio, and Jension's Alpha are performance metrics that are used to assess the historical returns and risk-adjusted performance of funds. It also examines how these funds fare during bear markets and assesses how well they can control volatility and limit investor losses. Finally, equity SBI Magnum Midcap Fund - Direct Plan – Growth is found to be good performer among the selected schemes.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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