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  • Accessibility to Healthcare Facilities by the Elderly in Challenging Economic Times in Nigeria: The Urban Planner’s Perspective

Samuel Olubunmi Alausa1& Grace Oloukoi2

Background: Ageing is a natural process in human development with social, physical, mental and homonal changes which are likely to impact their health status in Nigeria. In Nigeria, the population of the elderly group account for about 5 per cent and there is a need to understand their health-related outcomes especially with access to healthcare services. Methods: A survey of 200 elderly people selected across the study area using multi-stage sampling techniques. The sample were possessively selected randomly throughout the 36 states in Nigeria but spread over the six geopolitical zones. Questionnaire were administered to obtain information on the age, income, common health challenges, amount spent on drugs and other coping mechanism adopted to survive in the Nigerian hard economic conditions.

  • “Growth of Mutual Fund in India”

Dr. P.L. Singh

Mutual Fund is a company that acts as a financial vehicle to pool assets from shareholders to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, money market intrument and other assets. The professional bonds, money market instruments and other assets. The professional money managers operates mutual funds and it allocate the funds assets and attempts to product capital gains income for the fund’s investors. Each investors have own units which represent a portion of the holding of the fund. In India, mutual funds are an important part of the financial services. It provide investment products for retail investors

  • Role of Information Technology in Sustainable Smart City Development


After independence, ministry of Housing and Urban Development is trying to provide the basic civic amenities to every citizen of India. Department of Urban Local Bodies is playing an important role for the development of small towns and cities in the country. But in the present age of Information Technology, basic amenities and infrastructure is not sufficient to handle the burden specially in the highly populated cities like metro cities. So information technology plays an important role in developing smart cities so that bottlenecks can be handled with technology and smart solutions can be implemented by using available resources. This can be a long-term goal and cities can work towards developing such comprehensive infrastructure incrementally, adding on layers of ‘smartness’

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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