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Abdullahi Binta Suleiman

This study was carried out in order to identify means by which TVET teachers and training instructors could build a skilled Nigeria through giving options in career exploration, basic academic supports and life skills. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting participants for this research, 500 respondents were sampled, and data were analyzed using statistical software. The study showed that active youth were heavily involved in one or more trade for skills development to mention but a few are carpentry, electrician, mechanic, motorcyclist, welding,brick-layer etc. 50.0 % of the respondents were between 26 -30 years, and explained that they chooses those trades because of low or lack of employment.100% male by gender and39.0 % were in those trades for over 20 yearsand 40.0% were full time operators.One-fifths (20.0%) were engaged in commercial motorcycling which has no/less technical value addition to the nation’s economy, this was as a result of high income obtained in the trade(com motorcycling).Most of the respondents (25.0%) in this research hadNABTEB(National business and technical examination board certificate),level of education, followed by 18.0% of them who had a senior secondary school education,16.0% had National Diploma (ND), 10.0% obtain National certificate of education (NCE).The research concludes that thedidactic liability for what happens to students at work remains with vocational teachers, their success depends on the readiness of teachers to offer learning opportunities to students, and the students to utilize their talents and explore their competences accordingly.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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