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International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (IRJNAS)
ISSN: 2349-4077
Advisory/Editorial Board


Dr. Sumer Singh,

Professor & Dean Research, Singhania University, Pacheri Bari, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan

Dr. Umesh Gaur

Principal, Gateway Institute Of Dynamic Education (An Affiliated College of Barkatullah University, Bhopal ) Bhopal [MP]- INDIA.

Dr. Kiran B. R.

Research & Teaching Assistant, DDE, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga, INDIA.

Dr. Rabin Chandra Paramanik

Principal & Research Scientist, Karnataka PU Board, Govt.of Karnataka, Bangalore, INDIA.

Venkata Sai Teja Yarlagadda,

Department of Information Technology, Independent Researcher and Software Engineer, Vignan's University, India.

Madhu Mamidala

PhD,Research Specialist Dept of Otolaryngology Head-Neck Surgery INDIA

Dr. Arvind Prasad Dwivedi

Lecturer, Dept. of Chemistry,Govt. Sanjay Gandhi Smrati, College, Sidhi (M.P.), INDIA

Dr. Zahida Parveen Malik

Assistant Professor (Since August 2014 till date) at the Department of Chemistry,School of Natural Sciences (SNS), National University of Science andTechnology (NUST), H-12, Islamabad, PAKISTAN.

M Ramachandra Mohan

Bangalore University, Dept of Zoology and Center for Applied Genetics,Jnanabharathi,Bangalore, Karnataka, karnataka 560056,INDIA.

M Ramachandra Mohan

Bangalore University, Dept of Zoology and Center for Applied Genetics,Jnanabharathi,Bangalore, Karnataka, karnataka 560056,INDIA.

Dr. Adhraa Baqir Hassen

University of Kufa ,S Collage of Science Department of Biology, kufa, Saudi Arabia



Dr. Yadav S.G.

Assistant Professor andHead Department of Botany,Shivaji Mahavidyalaya Renapur,Dist.Latur:413527 (MS), India

Manoj Chowdary Vattikuti,

Sr. DevOps Engineer/Research Scientist at Cardinal Health, Dublin, OH, USA.

Sai Teja Boppiniti,

Sr, Data Engineer and Sr. Research Scientist, Department of Information Technology, FL, USA.

Dr K SenthilKannan

Dean Research EGSP group and Professor EGSP Arts and Science College Nagapattinam TIndia.

Alladi Deekshith,

Sr. Software Engineer and Research Scientist, Department of Machine Learning, USA


Honorarium Lecturer in the Department of Zoology, Kakatiya university, Warangal ,India

Dr. Mala Trivedi

Professor, Amity Institute of Biotechnology,AUUP, Lucknow-226028,India

Dr. Jitendra Malviya

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life Science,Department of Microbiology,Career College Bhopal

DR. Praveen Ojha


Dr. Shreelakshmi P

Assistant Professor of Psychology at Christ College, Mysuru.India


Faculty in Science DMI St. Eugene University, Great North Road, Chibombo, Zambia


Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,India

Vishnu Narayan Mishra

Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics,Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Lalpur, Amarkantak, Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh 484 887, India


Faculty in Science ,Institute of Virtual & Distance Learning (IVDL),DMI St. Eugene University,Chibombo, Zambia

Dr. Riti Thapar Kapoor

Assistant Professor,Amity Institute of Biotechnology,Amity University,Sector - 125,Noida - 201 313,India

Dr. Mukhriddin S. Yusufov

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Chemistry of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Dr. Debraj Sur

( Junior Resident in Department of Anasethesiology , Bankura Sammilani Medical College, Bankura, West Bengal, india )

Dr. Shuchi Kaushik

Assistant Professor,Amity Institute of Biotechnology Amity University Gwalior,Gwalior-474005

Dr. S. Ravichandran

Associate Professor in Chemistry,School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences,Lovely Professional University,Jalandhar - Delhi GT Road, Phagwara - 144 411

Shikha Khandelwa

Assistant Professor – Biotechnology & Bioinformatics in Amity Institute of Biotechnology ,Haryana ,India

Manaswini Davuluri

Sr. Project Manager and Research Scientist, Department of Information Systems, North Carolina, USA


Assistant Professor Department of Botany, Government. Arts College, Thiruvannamalai-606 603 Tamilnadu, India.

Dr. Khojaakhmed Sh. Alpysbaev

Candidate of Medical Sciences Deputy Director for Medical Work, Head of the Department of hip Pathology of the Republican Center for Pediatric Orthopedics of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent, Uabekistan

Dr Bahtiyor N. Abdullaev

Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan

Dr Ibragimjon T. Azimov

Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan

Dr. Askar B. Parmanov,

Senior Lecturer, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Dr. Duysenbay U. Utambetov

Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences, Director of the Scientific Production Association of Grain and Rice of the Republic of Karakalpakstan,

Dr. Marat M. Sultonov

Associate Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan

Dr. Akramjon S. Yuldashev

Doctor of Biological Sciences Rector of Andijan State University, Uzbekistan

Dr. Anuradha Singh

Professor, Division of Life Sciences, Department of Biosciences, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Galgotias University, Greater Noida

Dr. V. N. MURULIDHAR M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Head of the Department of Botany Government First Grade College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Sira-572137, Karnataka, Reaccredited B grade by NAAC, Affiliated to Tumkur University

Dr. Tolib T. Berdiev

Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, Head of Department, Scientific Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, National Center for Knowledge and Innovation in Agriculture

Dr. Tolib T. Berdiev

Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, Head of Department, Scientific Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, National Center for Knowledge and Innovation in Agriculture

Dr. Harshal Pandve, MBBS, MD (PSM)

Professor & Head, Community Medicine at PCMC's Postgraduate Institute & YCM Hospital (PGI-YCMH), Pimpri, Pune.

Dr. S. Rajkumar, M.Sc.,Ph.D.,

Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry SRM TRP Engineering College Irungalur, Trichy -621 105. Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr. Narender Kumar

Assistant Professor Department of Physics Vaish College, Bhiwani

Rahim beheshti,

DVM, DVSc, Assistant professor, Department of Clinical science, Veterinary Faculty.Islamic Azad University - Shabestar branch Shabestar, East Azarbaijan province, Iran P.O.code: 5145893788 Tabriz-Iran.

Dr.G.Nagarajan ,

MVSc, Ph.D., Principal Scientist ( Animal Biotechnology), ICAR- Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan - 304501


Principal Product Manager,American Airlines,7011, Isle Royale LN, Irving TX 75063

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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