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** Peer Reviewed, UGC App, UGC CARE, Scopus and WoS (w) 9034872290


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  • Community Based Approaches to Research and Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge System.

-Dr Jyoti Niswade

Abstract: Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) represent invaluable repositories of wisdom, practices, and beliefs developed by indigenous communities over generations. However, these knowledge systems are increasingly threatened by processes of globalization, colonization, and environmental degradation. In response, community-based approaches to research and preservation have emerged as vital strategies for safeguarding and revitalizing indigenous knowledge. This article explores the significance of community-based approaches in the research and preservation of indigenous knowledge systems, highlighting their principles, methodologies, challenges, and implications for sustainable development. Through case studies and examples, the article demonstrates the effectiveness of community-based approaches in empowering indigenous communities, fostering collaboration, and promoting cultural diversity. Furthermore, it discusses the challenges and considerations associated with these approaches and their implications for sustainable development. Ultimately, community-based approaches offer promising pathways for recognizing, respecting, and revitalizing indigenous knowledge systems in the pursuit of more equitable and sustainable futures.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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