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  • Rotary Club of International: An Overview

Dr. S. D. Takalkar Apeksha Shinde

Abstract: Success in the organizations is to achieve the objectives or goals set by the organization in supplementary with having the funds, the number of members, the support, and the assistance from the individuals and organizations more including the ability to maintain the organization sustainably with the hierarchical pattern organization and administration under the corporate structure defined in accordance with the resolution of the Federation of Organizations with the work processes yielding the continual driving and performance to be manifested following the objectives clearly defined by the organization. According to its self-description, Rotary International is an association of business and professional leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Rotary International is acknowledged as the World’s oldest service association, with the first Rotary club having been created on 23rd February 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A by Paul Harris, Silvester Schiele and Gus Loehr.

  • “E- Payment System in India: Development and Future Consideration.”

Mr. Santosh Y. Lande

Abstract: The main aim of this research paper is to explore in India an e-payment system, and thus identify development and future consideration. The government of India initiated a mission “Digital India” for promoting digitalization. The digital payment system has been introduced to promote cashless transactions to create cashless society. The research paper discusses conceptual framework, electronic payment platforms, instruments and services available in the Indian economy. The paper also defines strategies to overcome the challenges faced by the economy in digitizing the financial system.



Abstract: Quality education is the need of the hour and the Government is trying to accomplish the same through National Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020). It has brought in drastic changes in the education system and it would not be wrong to say it has completely evolved the system of education from NPE. The NEP 2020 was approved by the Union Cabinet of India on 29 July, 2020. The Ministry of Human Resource Development formed a committee headed by former ISRO Chairman Dr K Kasturirangan, who outlined the vision of India’s new education system. The New Education Policy addresses challenges faced by current education system such as Quality, Affordability, Equity, Access and Accountability. NEP 2020 envisions an India-centric education system that contributes directly to transforming our nation sustainably into an equitable and vibrant society filled by knowledge and by providing high-quality education to all. This article emphasizes the major differences between the current education policy i.e., New policy education of 1986 and New education policy of 2020.

  • Psychosocial Predictors of MaritalSatisfaction

Dr Babhuti Kashyap

Abstract: There is no doubting the fact that the family is and always will be the most important factor in determining the quality of life that is both the richest and the most meaningful for humans. The coming together of two people who were raised in separate environments to share a home and raise children results in the formation of a family. Marriages that are successful demonstrate the capacity of the pair to acknowledge one other's flaws while simultaneously celebrating their strengths. The majority of people's social lives revolve on their families, making the family unit not only the incubator of our emerging society but also the centre of their social lives. Ordinary men and women place a high value on their homes and families as a cornerstone of their aspirations and sense of self-respect. Everyone, regardless of age, may find the utmost solace and support within the context of their family. The majority of individuals get their primary feeling of accomplishment from being able to successfully bring up a family. The happiness and sadness that are experienced inside one's own family are, respectively, the ones that are felt the most intensely by the majority of men and women.

  • A Comparative Study of CSR Initiatives in Private Sector Banks

Nilam Dharani Naidu Dr. Sanjay Shinde

Abstract: In the recent years the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is spreading very rapidly in India in all the sectors. Corporate Social Responsibility is to contribute towards the society while working with in ethics. In developing country like India, banking sector plays a very important role in upgrading the economy of the country not only by lending money or increasing the liquidity in the country but also by imposing a new practice called corporate social responsibility (CSR).RBI played a important role in supporting the concept of CSR by passing a circular in the year 2007,December, directed banks to undertake CSR initiatives for sustainable development .The Banking sector is in a leading position in discharging CSR in the country. This paper tries to enlist various initiatives taken by the banking sector in the current era with respective to CSR and its reporting along with its future scope.

  • “Implementation of Green Supply Chain in Management”

Mr. Ganesh B. Pathare Dr. Shivaji D. Talkalkar

Abstract: Even among the general populace, the recent corona virus pandemic has increased awareness of the environment. The seriousness of the pollution degradation in New Delhi and Mumbai has increased in light of recent news reports. In this context, the importance of supply chain management is most clearly influenced by the environment. Environmental protection and the reduction of carbon emissions are important to everyone. The most obvious aspect of supply chain management's importance is the environment.

  • Role of unorganised sector in sustainable development of India

Shital J. Shinde Narayangaon,Pune

Abstract: The number of workers in the unorganized sector in the country is around 40 crores. That is 94% of the labour force works in the unorganized sector. The number of workers in the unorganized sector in the state of Maharashtra is around 4 crores it means 88% of the workforce in the state works in the unorganized sector. According to the 2001 census, there are a total of around 14.09 lakh construction workers in state. According to the 2011 census this number is expected to be 17.50 lakh. The unorganized sector has a crucial role in our economy in terms of employment and its contribution to the national domestic product; savings and capital formation. The informal sector plays a significant role in the economy in terms of employment opportunities and poverty alleviation. This sector generates income-earning opportunities for a large number of people. Generally, all enterprises which are either registered or come under the purview of any one of the acts like the Indian factories Act 1948 Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act 1957.


Ms. Seema Sabharjeet Singh Dr. J.P Bhosale

Abstract: This research aim is to study the impact of training on performance of employees. There are various factors like training, motivation, technology, management, behaviour, working environment, where each factor contributes to overall employee performance. Highly contributing factors are those having relative importance given by employees. This study concludes that training contributes greatly to employee’s performance in comparison with other factors like motivation, technology, management behaviour, working environment. There is positive relationship between the employee performance and training and motivation



Abstract: Even today the Indian society is following the same varna system were the society is categorized in to four namely the Brahmans, kshtriya, vaishya, and the shudra and the practice of the varna system is still in existence which has a practice of discriminating the shudras. . Today in contemporary Indian society the shudras are known as the dalits which is a Marathi word means as “broken men” and presently there are 180 million Dalits categorized and classified as scheduled castes in the Indian constitution. How ever more than 180 million Dalits are subjected to social, economical, political and cultural exclusion deeply imbedded in social practices. Dalits are social and physically separate they most live in outside areas of the village in rural areas and in specified areas in cities. They are denied basic human rights not allowed to own property rights and to use public and common property such as the wells, tanks and temples.



Abstract: The major issue of juvenile delinquency harms the country's social structure. This issue is seen as a socio-legal category created by the juvenile court; a label given to youth at the conclusion of a series of decisions involving the police, the general public, and juvenile court officials; and a type of behaviour that violates legal codes, regardless of how it is discovered or dealt with. Analysis of the statistical data found on official websites reveals a rise in the engagement and interest of young people in horrific crimes. Juvenile crimes have become such a widespread issue, and they cause grave concern on a daily basis. Children who are involved in these crimes everywhere in the world change their rates of crime and their perspectives on the world. As they gained experience, their capacity to think and form their own opinions about the issues in their lives also grew. Additionally, they have a propensity for comparison and a complex mental structure. When juveniles exhibit delinquent traits and come into conflict with the law, problems arise.

  • Role of Government in Promoting Micro, Small & Medium Business

Dr Karan Singh

Abstract: The government of India has been helping to develop small business activity in the country. India should give all its attention to rural industries and small businesses. Today, some people in India have small businesses in every nook and corner of the country. Every little thing that people buy comes from small or big businesses. We know that unemployment is an important topic in India. Small businesses have a special place in the industrial sector because of their contribution to creating jobs and the development of the country.

  • पेशवा शक्ति एवं मराठा साम्राज्य: एक अध्ययन

डॉ राजकुमार डॉ सतीश कुमार भारद्वाज

Abstract: पेशवा शक्ति एवं मराठा साम्राज्य: एक अध्ययन

  • The Role of Effectiveness of Human Resource Information System (HRIS): In Indian

Astha Chaurasia and Dr. Rachna Chaturvedi

Abstract: The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is commonly a portion of the administration's larger Organization Decision System. Former manual systems are existence gradually exchanged by computerized HRIS. The HRIS want not be composite or smooth computerized. But automation consumes its own benefit of providing more exact and opportune data for management. HR activities are needed to automate so that collection, processing and distribution of faultless info to the right person are possible through HRIS. Due to globalization, HRM is an essential factor of any successful business

  • Pathology of Drug Abuse in Haryana: A Sociological Study

Dr. Urmila Panghal

Abstract: Drug misuse has become one of the major societal issues facing modern society today, affecting people from all socio-religious, political, and economic backgrounds. This new pathological occurrence is not unique to the society of Haryana. It is a serious threat to humanity and has the power to devastate society as a whole. Aside from the terrible repercussions for the handlers and peril to the societal fabric, it is growing daily and is one of the primary challenges. The current population, especially the young, is being overtaken by the drug culture. Due to the ease with which they can be obtained, the fact that Haryana serves as a hub for the transportation of drugs, where they are produced locally, and the fact that it borders another state, narcotics are particularly attractive to young people. Agreed this reality, an effort has stood made in the current study to determine the characteristics of drug addicts, motivations for using drugs, effects on bodily and mental health, and the involvement of various agencies in containing the problem. These addicts were found in rehab facilities, medical facilities, jails, and colleges.


Sanjay Kumar

Abstract: This study aims to explore the socio-economic challenges faced by tribal women, focusing on their unique experiences within marginalized communities. Tribal women represent a significant and vulnerable segment of the population, often facing multiple layers of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic factors. By understanding their socio-economic status, this research seeks to shed light on the barriers they encounter and the implications for their overall well-being.

  • Jawaharlal Nehru and his role in Nation Building

Dr. Reena

Abstract: Jawaharlal Nehru and his role in Nation Building Dr. Reena Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14th November 1889 in Allahabad (now Prayagraj). His father’s name was Motilal Nehru who was a good lawyer. His father was very rich because of which Nehru got the best education. At an early age, he was sent abroad for studies. He studied in two universities of England namely Harrow and Cambridge. He completed his degree in the year 1910. Since Nehru was an average guy in his studies he was not much interested in law. He had an interest in politics. Though he later became a lawyer and practiced law in Allahabad High Court. At the age of 24, he got married to Smt. Kamla Devi.

  • Temporal Analysis Of Changing Groundwater Level In Dausa District From 1991 To 2021

Dilip Singh Awana Dr. Gayatri Yadav

Abstract: Groundwater is playing a significant role in the agricultural growth of India. Hydrology in India has a historical foot print of several millennium. as many archaeological evidences proves this.This research has been done to understand the changing dynamics of availability of ground water in Dausa district. To analyse the change in availability of groundwater the key wells data are used and with the help of the Kriging Interpolation technique these data have been converted into surface data.


Dr. Shashi Saurav

Abstract: India is one of the biggest and vibrant democracies in the world. It has been successfully working since its establishment. Regular elections at the union, state and local level; peaceful transfer of political power from one party to another as per the mandate received in the elections; proper representation of all the sections of the society; faith of the general masses in the democratic process of the country are some of the major indications of the success of Indian democracy. Political participation of the general masses is one of the most important requisite for the successful functioning of the democratic political system and when it comes to the participation of women in the political system of the country, then it became far more important not only from the point of view of gender equality and justice, rather also from the point of view of an all-encompassing democratic structure. Therefore, this paper tries to study political participation of women in India in the LokSabha elections and the major factors affecting political participation of women in India.



Abstract: Jute-Acrylic Blended Fabric showed improvement in bursting strength and crease recovery after mixing with acrylic. Mixing of jute increased the stiffness and abrasion. Blends were found to be good in texture, lustre, aesthetic appeal and woollen feel. Based on cost, the subjective evaluation and laboratory tests, jute-acrylic blend (20:80 followed by 30:70) were found to have good overall appearance and serviceability.


Dr. Geetanjali

Abstract: Cultural studies, as an interdisciplinary field, has evolved over the years to encompass a wide range of perspectives that analyze and interpret the complexities of culture in the contemporary world. This research paper delves into some of the key contemporary perspectives in cultural studies, shedding light on the diverse ways scholars approach and understand culture today.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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