Scheduled Caste Education in ColonialBihar: A Reassessment
Sanoj Kumar
Educationforms the basis ofsocial, cultural and economic development of any community. For the all-around development of Indian society, the significance of the educational progress of the general masses is a well-established fact universally accepted. It is self-evident that education is the key to social, economic and cultural transformation necessary for the realization of goals. It determines the level of prosperity, welfare and security of the people. Proper education can lead and direct a community towards positive transformation while providing an increased ability to process and utilize information, knowledge and experience more scientifically. With the realization of the pivotal role of education in human progress (especially SCs & STs), intense thoughts have always been devoted towards the development of education.Time and again, the tradition of education is diagnosed and suggestions are given for change as per the need of society.Therefore, education has a special significance, particularly for the weaker sections (SCs &STs) of the society for whom education is an input not only for their economic development but also to empower them which would open up new vistas to manage existing and upcoming challenges. Education development in colonial Bihar was initially guided by religious sentiment. In this system, there was hardly any scope for the scheduled caste to get educated.