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  • The Influence of Pali and Sanskrit on Thai Language – A Historical Study

Terdsak Panyajirathiwat

Abstract: Since the history of Thailand around the third Buddhist century When Buddhism was propagated into Thailand until Buddhism prospered because the kings and rulers of each generation respected and nurtured Buddhism. Studies have shown that monks have made great contributions to the education of the nation for the first time. As a result, most of the people who received education from religious institutions in the past the son will come from a rural village where the family has low socioeconomic status. Therefore relying on the hope that the temple in the village is the only way of education that can be found for their children Buddhist monks have helped to alleviate the problem of inequality in educational opportunities that the entire Thai society has faced since the beginning. It was found that Buddhism played an important role in the study of Thai and Thai language. We also found that Thai language originated from Pali and Sanskrit. Combined with the import used in the first Thai language.



Abstract: Indian Culture evolution has gone through several periodical changes in the fields of Economy, culture and art, education, social values, rituals, religions, gender equality and so on from the ancient or Vedic era to the media and then to the modern era. This evolution is by the Conflict theory that states the dominance of the stronger over the weaker. Evolution has created both positive and negative impacts on society as it has nourished the way of women empowerment with time but on the other hand, the easy availability of essentials has decreased the moral values of humans which is also harming nature. Still overcoming all challenges the Indian culture today is identified as the “unity in diversity” all over the world


1Anjali, 2Dr. Mosam Sinha

Abstract: This research paper evaluates the social and cultural dimensions portrayed in the novels of Amit Chaudhary. The way different social problems are linked with the characteristics of the novels of Amit Chowdhury is determined by the research paper. The way patriarchy is portrayed in the novels along with different cultural viewpoints are addressed through this research paper. Secondary method has been selected for collecting information and it has helped in gathering relevant information related to the research. The research has described that Amit Chaudhuri focuses on the different characters that influence the Indian family background. Through his writing, he celebrates the ethnicity and the customs of the Indian Bengali cultural family and thus this research has addressed social or cultural problems to develop the growth of society.

  • Shakespeare’s Tempest: Post Colonial Criticism

Sunita Sharma

Abstract: In the context of post colonial criticism, the concept of hybridity is important , which , broadly speaking, is what is produced by the encounter of the two cultures of colonizer and colonized :colonial masters imposed their value system through Shakespeare, and in response colonized people often answered back in Shakespearean accents. The study of Shakespeare made them “hybrid” subject. For reasons that are sufficiently obvious, many post-colonial accounts of Shakespeare have focused primarily on the tempest. It is, after all, not hard to relate the tempest to the history of colonialism. In the first place , there is clear historical relationship between the play and some of the earliest English attempts to found colonies abroad. Between 1957 and 1973, most African and large Caribbean colonies won their independence

  • श्री परमात्मने नमः भारतीयसंस्कृतेः प्रमुखाः विषेषताः

डाॅ. राजेन्द्र कुमारः

Abstract: भारतीय संस्कृतेर्विवृति विचारे वहवोऽनुयोगाः समापतन्ति चेतसि यत् का नाम संस्कृतिः? संस्कृत व्याकरण अनुसारेण सम् उपसर्ग पूर्वकात् कृ धातोः क्तिन् प्रत्यये कृते संस्कृतिः षब्दः निष्पद्यते। षिष्ट-पुरुषैर्महापुरुषैष्चारिता सम्यक् कृतिः संस्कृतिरुच्यते। आधुनिक काले अयं षब्दः यस्मिन् अर्थे प्रयुज्यते संस्कृत साहित्ये तस्मिन्

  • Aestheticism in the Novels of Arun Joshi

Dr. Lalit

Abstract: Arun Joshi is one of the few Indian writers in English who has successfully exposed the intricacies and complexities of modern Indian life. He has written convincing fiction. This study focuses on Arun Joshi's books The Foreigner (1968), The Strange Case of Billy Budd (1969), and The Strange Case of Billy Budd (1970).Biswas (1971), The Apprentice (1974), and The Last Labyrinth (1981) are some of his films. Joshi's paintings have attempted to extend the urgency of today's urbanized and deeply industrialized growth, with its dehumanizing effect on the individual. Existentialist thinkers such as Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Sren Kierkegaard had a big influence on Arun Joshi. Joshi, a master of mental understanding, delves deeply into the internal openings of the human mind. Arun Joshi added more direction and measurement to the Indian English story. His works depict the forlorn questers' terrible anguish. According to Joshi, the significance of life lies not in the polished surfaces of preconceptions, but in the murk overgrown mazes of the spirit.

  • Rootlessness among Diaspora: A study of Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss

Anju Bala

Abstract: The term ‘diaspora’ literally refers to man’s scattering in an alien soil,far away from homeland.It implies a cultural travel; a nostalgic reminiscence of home- the culture of origin, and an anchoring in the new world- the culture of adoption.The word often invokes the imagery of traumas of separation and dislocation and this is certainly a very important aspect of the migratory experience. Often the term is usedas a synonym for migration or immigration and the diasporic is equated to an expatriate. Diasporic writings are invariably concerned with individual’s or community’s attachment to the centrifugal homeland.But this attachment is countered by a yearning for a sense of belonging to the current place of abode. This sense of homelessness and nostalgia for their motherland constitutes one of the most important themes in literature. The narratives of the diaspora may well be considered the narratives of ‘self’, for the very act of migration implies a ‘bodily’ lifting out of the familiar and relocation in the new and the unfamiliar. My paper would discuss the issue of rootlessness and identity crisis in diasporic situation with reference to Kiran Desai’s novel The Inheritance of Loss. The paper also centers upon how Desai portrays her characters leading the lives of dislocation- physical, emotional, political both in the alien land and homeland.The novel also insists on the character’s feeling of homelessness, exile, marginalization, up rootedness, hyphenated identity and loss of belongingness.

  • उत्तर प्रदेश मे प्राथमिक, माध्यमिक एव विश्वविद्यालय स्तर पर संगीत शिक्षा की स्थिति

प्रा.प.जयन्त खात राघवेन्द्र सिंह

Abstract: उत्तर प्रदेश मे प्राथमिक, माध्यमिक एव विश्वविद्यालय स्तर पर संगीत शिक्षा की स्थिति

उत्तर प्रदेश मे प्राथमिक, माध्यमिक एव विश्वविद्यालय स्तर पर संगीत शिक्षा की स्थिति

Dr. Anisha

Abstract: The authors Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni and Shashi Deshpande are the subjects of this research, which aims to analyze the developing and influential voices of these two woman writers. Living outside of India broadens the mental horizons of Indian women, which results in these authors sharing some cultural characteristics in common despite their differences. Belonging to India offers these authors certain cultural characteristics that are similar to one another. These ladies have certainly been shaped by their Indian culture, yet they have managed to break free of the bounds that tradition places on them. The purpose of this article is to illustrate how the pulls and strains of women's previous lives continue to impact their present by comparing and contrasting the experiences of two Indian authors who live in different hemispheres and attempting to explain the parallels and differences between them.

  • नारी चेतना में परिदृश्य एवं उसका विषयक विभिन्न द्रष्टिकोण


Abstract: भारत में नारी मुक्ति आन्दोलन कब हुआ था इसका प्रमाणित समय बताना कठिन है। इसके बारे में कोई निश्चित प्रमाणित सामग्री उपलब्ध नहीं है उतर वैदिक काल से नारी पर जैसे-जैसे बन्धन जटिल होते गये उसमें मुक्ति की कामना भी तीव्र होती गई। पर कालान्तर में नारी ने अपने जीवन की स्थितियों को नियति मान उसे लगभग स्वीकार कर लिया। मध्यकाल से नवजागरण काल तक का इतिहास इसी समझौते का प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण है भारत में नारी की मुक्ति का अर्थ पुरुष सता से मुक्ति कभी नहीं रहा । राष्ट्रीय समस्याओं की स्त्रियों ने प्रारम्भ से पुरुषों के साथ मिलकर ही सुलझाया। भारत पर जब कभी आक्रमण हुए उस समय राज्य का प्रशासन स्वयं सँभाल, युद्ध के लिए पति और पुत्रों में साहस का संचार करनेवाली स्त्रियों की अनेक कथाएँ इतिहास में हैं । 1857 ई. के प्रथम स्वतन्त्रता संग्राम में झाँसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई, बेगम हजरत महल, जमानी बेगम, देवी चौधरानी कितूर की रानी चेनम्मा जैसी वीर महिलाओं ने अपनी राष्ट्रीय चेतना का परिचय दिया ।\r\n

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  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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