Sarbjeet Kaur1 Dr. Vikas Kumar Srivastava2
Education on the rights of children is of the utmost significance for educators, and it is essential that this topic be taken into consideration throughout both pre-service and in-service training programs. It is vital to provide training to early childhood educators, teachers, judges, attorneys, and other authorities such as child welfare officials, child and youth welfare participants, in order to ensure the protection of child rights in education and other domains. An effort was made in the current research to investigate the level of knowledge of Child Rights Education among male and female instructors of students in the classroom. Taking into consideration the purpose of the research, the hypothesis was formulated as follows: There is no discernible difference in the level of knowledge about Child Rights Education between male and female elementary school instructors. In the course of the research, a quantitative methodology was used. The research was conducted using a technique known as descriptive surveying. Pupil teachers, both male and female, from all of the constituent institutions of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), which includes Regional Institutes of Education in Ajmer, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Mysore, and Shillong, made up the study's population. Data was gathered via the use of the internet. The researcher has taken into consideration the pupil-teacher as a sample for the study that comprised B.Ed., B.Sc. B.Ed., and B.A. B.Ed. pupil-teachers as participants among the participants. The method of stratified random sampling was used in order to pick the instructors of the students for this research. In order to gather data, a questionnaire that was developed by the respondents themselves and titled "Awareness of child rights education for pupil teachers" was distributed. Both the basic percentage technique and the t-test were used in the process of analyzing the data. Regarding the knowledge of Child Rights Education, the study discovered that there is no significant difference between male and female student teachers. This was the conclusion reached by the researchers.