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Mrs.Sangeetha J

Abstract: The American Dream is that any man or woman, despite of his or her background, can change their circumstances and rise as high as they are willing to work. This quote by Fabrizio Moreira holds good for men but for women this dream posses many challenges before it is fulfilled. Women are multifaceted and perform a significant role in society. Across the world women have their challenges to face in this man’s world. In India women are considered as the goddess from the ancient time however, it is also true that they are not treated as goddess. Considering them as goddess alone is not enough, it needs positive continuous effort and participation of both men and women to really bring women empowerment. Initially women were confined to domestic chores and kept within the four walls of the house. Gradually women started getting educated and as the rate of literacy in women increased there has been some progress. Women since ages have expressed their felling, thoughts, anger, experience and anxiety through their writing not only in English but also in other languages.

  • Mitila ke lok geet

Dr Soni Kumari

Abstract: Mitila ke lok geet




  • शासकीय एवं अशासकीय महाविद्यालयों में कार्यरत् शिक्षकों की कार्य सन्तुष्टि का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन

राधे श्याम तिवारी एवं डाॅ॰ प्रशान्त

Abstract: शासकीय एवं अशासकीय महाविद्यालयों में कार्यरत् शिक्षकों की कार्य सन्तुष्टि का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन

  • Chains of Slavery in Selected novel of Toni Morrison

Mr Parveen Kumar Ms Renu

Abstract: Toni Morrison is an American author, editor, professor who got Pulitzer Prize for her fiction Beloved in 1998. She is the first black women to receive Nobel Prize in literature in 1993. Toni Morrison’s real name is Chole Anthony Wofford. She grew up in an American family that possessed an intensive love and appreciation for black culture. Shehas written some of the most significant and demanding fiction of the modern age. Her dazzling depictions of African- American experience are studied in high schools and colleges, debated in the media, and analyzed by scholars at an astounding rate. Morrison's novel characterized by visionary force and versatile approach gives life to an essential aspect. She is pioneer in Black feminism. In her works we seeblack women appreciate their race and their culture and do not want to be the part of lavish white society but at the same time it depicts the sufferings, oppressionsfaced by them due to slavery.

  • Cleanth Brooks’ Critical Principles in the Light ofIndian Aesthetics

Dr.Indhu M. Eapen

Abstract: New Criticismdistinguishes itself from other schools of literary criticism by its “close reading” of texts, both poetry and fiction. The New Critics valued the independence of the text over its meaning. They believed in the structural unity of the text.This structural unity is synonymous to ‘harmony’ and ‘balance’ in a work of art. They used paradox, irony, ambiguity, and tension as means and mediators to discover the unified structure.Ancient Indian Poetics, like the Greek Poetics, concerns itself mainly with drama, but poetry in the Indian concept is an integral part of drama, and also since drama is a kind of poetry, there are several observations on the nature of poetryfound in Indian treatises on Poetics. This article focuses on CleanthBrooks’New Criticismin comparison with the Theory of Dhvanipropounded by Anandavardhana. Both theories emphasize that different kinds of meanings are present to lead the reader into a significant aesthetic experience.

  • An analysis of the Concept of Exile in Edward Said

Dr Ram Niwas

Abstract: This paper studies the concept of “exile” in Edward Said’s writings. Said distinguishes exile from expatriate and refugees in the essay “Reflections on Exile”. In the case of expatriate there is the voluntary involvement from the person’s side. He decides to stay abroad on his own. Refugees on the other hand are bewildered people requiring urgent international assistance. Exiles alone are the cosmopolitan intellectuals having a touch of solitude and spirituality. Exile, for Said, is a symbol of freedom, emancipation and liberation. It is no exaggeration that liberation as an intellectual mission has now shifted to its unhoused, decentred and exilic energies, energies whose incarnation today is the migrant.

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  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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