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Mrs.Sangeetha J

Abstract: The American Dream is that any man or woman, despite of his or her background, can change their circumstances and rise as high as they are willing to work. This quote by Fabrizio Moreira holds good for men but for women this dream posses many challenges before it is fulfilled. Women are multifaceted and perform a significant role in society. Across the world women have their challenges to face in this man’s world. In India women are considered as the goddess from the ancient time however, it is also true that they are not treated as goddess. Considering them as goddess alone is not enough, it needs positive continuous effort and participation of both men and women to really bring women empowerment. Initially women were confined to domestic chores and kept within the four walls of the house. Gradually women started getting educated and as the rate of literacy in women increased there has been some progress. Women since ages have expressed their felling, thoughts, anger, experience and anxiety through their writing not only in English but also in other languages.

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  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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