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Nisha Kumari1, Dr. Naresh Kumar2

Abstract: The picture of women, the whole globe have been very horde in their appearance, as they have been very wealthy in their piece and very variegated in their character. Gotten from the distinctive occasions and diverse climes, even a random example of these images before long uncovers the wide range of extravagance of their code, substance and treatment, their colors and forms. There is, be that as it may, no denying the way that the one-time idealized and loved images of women have experienced some unprecedented metamorphosis all the world over, particularly in the nineteenth and the twentieth century\\\'s. The present part is following the journey for identity or distinction. Identity, universally, depicts a person\\\'s commencement and presence of their distinction or accumulation relationship with general and advancing identity. The focal point of thought is that a person\\\'s wisdom of identity is solid disapproved for the most part by the choices and guarantees finished concerning unmistakable individual and social characteristics.

  • संस्कृत-साहित्य में अव्यय : स्वरूप एवं भेद की मीमांसा

डॉ० भवानीशंकर शर्मा

Abstract: अव्यय पद का प्रयोग परमात्मा या ब्रह्म के लिए भी किया जाता है, क्योंकि वह अविनाशी है. सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड का मूल स्वरूप है. किन्तु; भाषा की दृष्टि से जब विचार किया जाता है, तब उसकेअविकारी पद ही अव्ययकहे जाते हैं। व्युत्पत्तिलभ्य अर्थ का प्रयास करें तो“न व्येति इति अव्ययम्”अर्थात् जिसका व्यय नहीं होता,वह ‘अव्यय’ कहलाता है। यहाँ व्यय न होने का अर्थ है—उसके रूप में कोई विकार या परिवर्तन का न होना। ऐसे शब्द का सभी लिङ्गों में रूप अपरिवर्तित रहता है,इसलिए इनकी यह सञ्ज्ञा सार्थकहै। जैसाकि कहा है—

  • The Politics of Narration: Revisiting the Violence and Trauma of Bangladesh ‘Liberation War’ Through Shaheen Akthar’s The Search

Javid Ahmad Reshi and Dr Kusumika Sarkar

Abstract: \\\\r\\\\nThis paper interrogates Shaheen Akthar’s treatment of birangonas (women victims of rape) in her novel, The Search, by interrogating the underlying politics in her re-presentation of pain, suffering and the psychological trauma of loss of people from minority groups in the former East Pakistan. It investigates the author’s circumvention of the underlying nuances of the Bangladesh Liberation War allowing for the implicit furthering of the nationalist discourse based on the ‘Othering’ of women of minority groups; and, contrary to her outward claim of addressing the issue of ‘birangonas’ in the novel, this paper investigates her perpetuation of stereotypes already prevalent about rape victims of war in Bangladesh. Therefore, The Search, this paper argues, objectifies and stereotypes Bengali women, implicitly vilifies a particular religion and the non-Bengali minorities by evoking and emphasizing the religious identity markers of its evil characters, marginalizes them by placing ethnic Bengalis at the centre stage, and based on a false dichotomy of innocent, liberal Bengalis versus evil others, the author reduces a major and complex historical event to a coloniser/ colonised binary.\\\\r\\\\n

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  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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