Dr Tanuj Kumar
The Researcher aim to know the effect of Naad Yoga on Mental Health of yoga players. All the subjects were selected from Haryana. A total number of 40 male yoga players. The age of the subjects was between 17 to 25 years. The researcher was devided them into two groups. First group was experimental group and second was control group. The training program was given to experimental group for six weeks but not given any specific training on control group. The researcher was used Positive Mental Health, Positive Mental Health Inventory by C. D. Agashe and R. D. Helode for data collection.. The training was of one hour duration daily for five days in a week and control group was not participated in the training programme. The training protocol roughly consist selected yogic practices (Bhastrika Pranayama, Kapalbhati Pranayama, Anuloma-Viloma, Pranayama, Bharamari Pranayama, Flute Sound and Shankha Naad. The researcher was used t-test for analysis the data. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The collected data was significantly normalized before further processing. The obtained result shows the significant changes in selected variables i.e. Positive Mental Health at different level due to Naad Yoga Training Protocol.