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  • Revisiting Beloved: In the Era of “Black lives Matter”

Sonal and Hitesh Rani

Abstract: “Beloved” (1987) Written by Toni Morrisonis a saga of Black suffering. The first page of the novel is inscribed with the words“sixty million and more” The words undoubtedly refer to millions of Blacks who either died in the middle passage between Africa and America or suffered inhuman atrocities at the hands of their white counterparts.Even today; in 2021, 34 years later the novel was written;the world is still witnessing the brutal killings of Black men by Police. This article aims to present a contrast between the racism of the past as shown in Afro American literature and racism prevailing in today’s times.

  • Role of Social Media in Misinformation and Disinformation

Gita Sharma

Abstract: This paper examines the critical role played by social media in spreading misinformation as well as disinformation, especially in today's fully digital world. It has become the case that with the leading sources of information including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the spread of both truth and falsehood gains momentum at unbelievable speeds that have significant consequences for perception, political discourse, and social cohesion. The difference between misinformation, that the wrong information which is shared without any intention to cause harm, and disinformation, where false information is shared to alter the real information, makes this study important. Using a mixed-methods approach in which it covered content analysis, surveys, and case studies of how algorithms and user behavior interact with each other to virally spread false information, the paper examined.



Abstract: Music, a universal language that transcends borders and cultures, has a profound impact on our emotional well-being. Its cadenced examples, melodic harmonies, and expressive substance have the ability to inspire a great many feelings, from satisfaction and fervor to trouble and examination. This article will investigate the multi-layered impacts of music on mental health, featuring its capacity to impact our mind-set, decrease pressure, and improve mental capability. Quite possibly of the most prompt way music influences our mental health is through its capacity to control feelings. Studies have demonstrated the way that paying attention to music can altogether decrease sensations of tension and sadness. The cadenced idea of music can synchronize our pulse and breathing, advancing a feeling of quiet and unwinding. Moreover, the verses of melodies can give solace and understanding during troublesome times, offering a feeling of association and approval. Music likewise assumes a significant part in pressure decrease. At the point when we stand by listening to music we appreciate, our bodies discharge endorphins, regular mind-set lifts that can assist with easing sensations of stress and strain. Taking part in musical exercises, like playing an instrument or singing, can likewise be a type of care, permitting us to zero in on the current second and diminish rumination. Besides, music can act as an interruption from stressors, giving an impermanent departure from stresses and nerves.

  • Englishes of the World: A Critical Study of Ethnography of Communication

Manisha Sagar

Abstract: Dell Hymes' promotion of an ethnography of speaking in 1962, subsequently termed the ethnography of communication, established a novel discipline that amalgamated anthropology and linguistics, significantly transforming the study of language, culture, and human interaction. The Ethnography of Communication examines the significance of communicative activities within their cultural systems, operating within the comprehensive context of a culture and interrelated with other community patterns. This ethnographic approach enables researchers to collect and analyse descriptive data regarding conveying, forming, and negotiating social meanings (Saville-Troike, 1995, 351). The methodology is descriptive and founded on the premise that comprehending diverse "modes of discourse" within civilisations enhances our understanding of knowledge. The importance of the ethnography of communication extends beyond the mere documentation of communicative phenomena. The approaches and outcomes are essential for developing a comprehensive theory regarding language, human behaviour, and their interplay with culture. Language, culture, ethnicity, class, gender, and race are interrelated; our communication reflects the socio-cultural groups we identify with. The study “Englishes of the World: A Critical Study of Ethnography of Communication” examines the relationship between various global English variants and their cultural contexts. Examining the cultural subtleties of English variations reveals the language's diversity and depth and the cultures that have shaped it. It is imperative to recognise that no variant is preferable; each form of English encapsulates its cultural significance, authenticity, and individuality. Whether we consider Queen's English, Australian English, Indian English, or American English, each possesses a distinct identity and holds equal significance.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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