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  • Depiction of History in Shashi Tharoor’s Novels

Aradhna kamra

Abstract: The present work is about the reflection of history in the novels of Shashi Tharoor. The work includes his two valuable novels such as The Great Indian Novel, An Era of Darkness: The British Empire. The research focuses on thematic focus of his work which reveals his sense of pride in Indian culture, heritage and history. The Great Indian Novel retells the political history of 20thcentury India which records political history of modern India on the structure of great Hindu epic the Mahabharata

  • The Potential of Tea Tourism in India

Surender Pal Singh

Abstract: Tourism has a significant position and contribution in the economy of every country in present era. It is major source of earning foreign currency, employment generation and sustaining the environment and preserving the heritage and culture. Tourism sector accounts for 30% of world’s trade of services while 6% of overall global exports of goods and service. In reference it can be mentioned that in case of India, Travel and Tourism sector contributes around 7% to the GDP and it is also providing livelihood around 3.67 crore people in India

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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