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Dr. Afsha Jamal

Abstract: According to the 1971 census India has 1652 languages. Of these 2 are official languages 22 scheduled languages. The Kothari commission and language education intended for the adoption of three language formula by the state governments at the secondary stage in order to find some practical solutions to linguistic diversities in India to bring uniformity in education to allow the national integration. Introduction of English as a third language at the school level however, in many states including Maharashtra ,English is being offered as the second, third or foreign language thereby enhancing the importance and emphasis to be laid on the teaching and learning of English. The implication of new trends teaching methodologies are inducted and its impact is seen prominently in teacher training programs. India has the highest number of speakers in its account comparing with Russia but the efforts to improve the standards of speaking skill should go miles to reach up to the Russian standard or of any other native speaker. Curriculum, content learning materials, classroom process and language all the ingredients are important in communicative language teaching as the fallacy of speaker and the form of the speech the reacceptance of the learner provides a success of CLT in the class.

  • Paradigm Shifts in Kamala Das’s Poetry

Dr. Suman

Abstract: Kamala Das (1934 – 2001)is one of the members of poetic trinity of Indo- Anglian poets, the other two being Nissim Ezekiel and Ramanujan. Kamala Das is among the prominent figures in the history of Indo – English literature. She lends a new dimension to her love poetry by revealing her kinship with an anterior Indian tradition which has its roots in Indian epics. Her poetry is characterized by extreme sincerity and integrity; and she speaks out of her love, longings, frustration and disillusionments with a disarming frankness. She raises her voice against the male tyranny in her poetry. Present paper is an attempt to deal with themes of Das’s poetry. Her poetry reflects her restlessness as a sensitive womanmoving in the male -dominated society and she appears as a champion of woman’s cause. Kamala Das’s voice earthy and direct, sheds a harsh light on everything around us, revealing small stuff, that we never knew existed in us.

  • Translation Milestones in Contemporary Literature

Dr. Naila Ahmed Suhail

Abstract: Southeast Asian fiction is simply the totality of all genre work produced by writers in or from the region. This plurality that defies easy classification offers each writer’s worldview, rooted in their specific culture, for readers to explore and appreciate. A vast repository of ideas is brought out by recently published works in translation viz. Chinatown, a Vietnamese novel by Thuân, Happy Stories, Mostly by the Indonesian writer Norman Erikson Pasaribu, Indonesian author Budi Darma’s People from Bloomington and Saadat Hasan Manto’s collection of Urdu short stories The Dog of Tithwal. It clearly demonstrates that not everyone shares the dominant and hegemonic Western, majority white, cis-gender, and individualistic culture that strangles everything else.

  • Death : A Leveler, an Emotional Turbulence and the Rituals

Dr.Ashish Subhashchandraji Paliwal

Abstract: The theme of death is one of the most discussed themes in pieces of poetry and prose. It can be associated with the theme of life or be presented with the help of its depiction through the analysis of the human values. Commonly, poets tend to present a negative attitude of death in their works due to death's associations with misery and grievance.


Dr.Ajay B. Kukade

Abstract: Human life is full of endless possibilities. It’s a wonderful manifestation of varied aspects which ultimately leads to the beauty which make the world a place worth living in. Literature has always proved to be the torchbearer of humanity. It has corrected the erring human society from time to time. The literature thus has proven its mantle by becoming the mirror of human life. Writers, from all ages, have performed their duties honestly and have shouldered the responsibility of keeping an eye on the progress of human society, and scrutinising it till the end. The world has suffered to the extreme end in the consequences of the conflicts arising out of wasted interests of few. In such situations, the writers from literary field have shown their solidarity and gave way to their feelings in establishing the ever necessary peaceful co-existence. Robert frost, the American and Nissim Ezekiel from India are two such poets who,thorough their poetry, have penned the words like the men with a mission.

  • Echoes of Betrayal, Seeds of Redemption: A Study of Moral Complexity in "The Kite Runner

Nikhil N. Kedar

Abstract: This study successfully analyzed the major themes in Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner," fulfilling the stated objective of identifying and describing their presence within the narrative. Employing qualitative methods and documentation, the research revealed key themes: the complexities of friendship, particularly father-son relationships; the corrosive impact of betrayal and guilt; and the arduous, yet ultimately attainable, path to redemption. As the novel poignantly illustrates, life often presents a choice between expediency and morality. "The Kite Runner" is, at its core, a powerful story of redemption, charting a young boy's journey from a lapse in moral courage to a mature acceptance of responsibility, ultimately allowing him to rectify his past transgressions

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  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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