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  • Toni Morrison, widely regarded as one of the foremost American novelists


Abstract: Toni Morrison, widely regarded as one of the foremost American novelists Toni Morrison, widely regarded as one of the foremost American novelists, has explored various themes in her writing, including the depiction of feminism. Throughout her selected works, Morrison tackles issues related to the female experience, female empowerment, and the struggles faced by women in a patriarchal society. Here are some examples of the depiction of feminism in Toni Morrison's selected works:


Niti Ahlawat

Abstract: Writing provides a woman greater insight into her own thoughts and feelings, as well as the kind of independence and seclusion that she would otherwise have little access to, making a woman with a pen a dangerous thing. Women's writing has changed over time, shifting from its early concentration on ordinary life or momentous events to its current emphasis on fantasy and mythology. Many of them discovered poetry to be a medium that allowed them to not only express their most secret desires and fears, but also to envision other worlds in which they had greater power and authority.

  • Economic Crises Marxist theory and ideology in the Novels of Aravind Adiga

Madhura Fating Dr. Amol Raut

Abstract: This research article looks at some of the postcolonialist and economic crisis themes prevalent in Adiga's novels. It focuses on the similarities and differences between India's financial crises and postcolonial issues. This essay examines Marxist philosophy and theory, capitalism, and communism. The study depicts a free market and free enterprise in contemporary capitalist India. It illustrates how it might lead to financial disjuncture. Social castes rather than social classes exist in India. Adiga has faith in this rewriting of their fantasies regarding the exploitation and social oppression of the impoverished. Adiga's analyses of the social issue of dispute shed light on human conditions.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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