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Girja Bhawani Dr Rupinderkaur

Abstract: Gabriel GarcíaMárquez’s famous novel One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the city of Macondo and the Buendia family. In this novel, the circle of life is presented of the city and the Buendia family which resembles the history of Latin America. The rise and fall of Macondohappen with the rise and decline of the Buendia family. This research paper is focused on understanding how women characters are represented in the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude. In this process to analyse the treatment of women in the novel by Gabriel GarcíaMárquez, this paper analyses the gender dynamic and presence of patriarchy in the novel. It also analyses every woman character in the novel, evaluates and assesses the view of the author behind representing the women characters of different shades with a fair share of virtue and vice.


Alikulov Abdikhakim Ganiyevich

Abstract: It is described the significance of words, opinions and approaches of various terms on word “Huge” in this article. Explanation of the word “huge” in English and its definitions with translation into Uzbek are the major task which is put before us in this article. Thus we selected all synonyms and the words denoting “huge” and analysed them step by step.

  • The Subalterns’ voice –A case Study of Khalid Hosseini’s The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns

Dr Priyanka Lamba

Abstract: Today the definition of subaltern has changed from what it used to be in the past. Originally it simply meant “having a subordinate position”. In the present global scenario subaltern can refer to a variety of people who stand aloof from the rest by certain yardsticks for example there are people segregated on the basis of colour ,ethnic roots, minorities and women in patriarchal set up. Khaleed Hosseini as an Afghani Diaspora in the US is giving voice to the subaltern in and as the terror stricken Afghanistan. Through his novels The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns he makes audible all those who have been confined in muted zones of public as well as private spheres for long under the politics of terror which is political, ethnic ,patriarchal, external and domestic

  • Role of Women in Society

Dr Sudeep Kumar

Abstract: Women were the pioneers of the country. Women are highly valued in Indian culture because they make up half of the global population. Women make up 50% of human resources, making them the second-largest and most potential human resource after men, according to a report from the UN secretary general. Women are essential to both family life and sustainable development. Wife, head of the home, administrator, financial controller, and last but not least, mother are just a few of the many roles that women perform in the family. Woman is a man's helpmate, friend, and ally. She sacrifices her own desires and objectives, sets moral guidelines, reduces her husband's stress, and maintains peace and harmony in the household. She creates the conditions necessary for her husband to provide for their family's financial security by doing this. She acts as a source of inspiration for males to achieve great things in life.

  • कालिदासीय प्रकृति-चित्रण

डॉ. रामबाबू

Abstract: प्रकृति आदिकाल से मानव की सहचरी रही है l वह एक उपदेशक के रूप में मानव का रास्ता प्रशस्त करती रही है। प्रकृति मानव मन को परिमार्जित कर उसे कर्तव्य पथ पर अग्रसर करती आयी है। वह मानव के साथ सुख-दुःख में हमेशा सहभागिता निभाती आयी है। जब मनुष्य आनन्दमय होता है

  • Rendering Voice To The Voiceless: A Critical Reading of Mahasweta Devi’s Plays

Mridula Rashmi Kindo

Abstract: For sixty years, Mahasweta Devi has battled ceaselessly for the rights of oppressed women, primarily from the tribal areas. Her struggles to represent the subaltern are central to her narratives, whether plays or short stories or her activism in real life. She dealt extensively with women\\\'s and Dalit rights in her writings, which spanned the country and focused on the tribal people of West Bengal. Her provocative Bengali plays frequently portray the tyrannical rule of wealthy upper-caste landowners, feudal lords, moneylenders, and government officials over untouchables and tribal people, more so on women. Mahasweta Devi acknowledges that folklore, ballads, myths, and legends passed down through generations by ordinary people are a constant source of inspiration for her work. She has long believed that the commoners, the oppressed or the marginalised are the ones who create natural history. The paper “Rendering Voice to the Voiceless: A Critical Reading of Mahasweta Devi’s Plays” explores how the subalterns find a voice in Devi’s works when they are being oppressed to voicelessness in real life. \\r\\n

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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