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A Study of Performance of Evaluation of Different Schemes of LIC.
The life insurance corporation of India plays an important role in providing insurance protection against death and old age on the one hand and accelerating the growth of our economy. Safety and security have become a major concern for everybody. India has considerably developed economically but a section of people still feel unsafe and insecure. Insurance have come up as very important financial services in most part of the world. Insurance is one of the important segments in the economy for its growth. LIC Company provides long term funds that are essential for the development of personnel. This company has witnessed many phases of working, there are days when private sector companies initially then became nationalised.

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Dr.Jyoti Kirve1, Swapnali Divekar2
Digital India is the beginning of digital revolution. It is a dream which is created by the Government of India to ensure that government services are made available to citizens electronically, even in remote areas, by improving online infrastructure and by increasing Internet connectivity. The programme have one mission and one target that is to take nation forward digitally and economically.

4-12 |
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Changing trends in higher education suggested by New Education Policy 2020
Asst. Prof. Archana Vitthal Kale Dr. A.R.Ghumatkar
Higher education plays a vital role in promoting human being and social welfare of a nation. There are various problems in India like Poverty, unemployment, technological degradation, corruption, black money, pollution, largest Population (Approx 142 Core) poor quality education which badly impacted on nation’s growth and development. Today’s youth will be tomorrow’s responsible citizens hence if the youth get good quality education; they will definitely contribute in nation’s growth and development.Higher Education Institutions try to maintain quality in the higher education. NEP 2020 recommends adopting multidisciplinary approach to the Higher Education institutions in India. Till date we follow interdisciplinary approach of education this will increase interest of student of learning because through multidisciplinary study, student will get choice

10-15 |
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Future of E-commerce in India
Mrs. Darshana S Bhagat Dr.Prashanat S.Salve
Future of E-commerce in India

16-23 |
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Basic Concepts of Goods and Services Tax In India
Dr.J.P.Bhosale Ms.Supriya Uttam Jadhav
This paper is an analysis of what the impact of GST (Goods and Services Tax) will be on Indian Tax Scenario. Here stated with a brief description of the historical scenario of Indian taxation and its tax structure. Then the need arose for the change in tax structure from traditional to GST model. GST has be detailed discuss in this paper as the background, silent features and the impact of GST in the present tax scenario in India. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value added tax to be implemented in India, the decision on which is pending

24-30 |
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Miss. Karad Rekha Lahu Professor Dr. P.R. Mokal
Accounting is an essential function for every company or organization. It is common practise for companies with fewer than 100 employees to keep their books of accounts on computers using accounting software. A computerised accounting system is a system that processes financial transactions in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in order to provide reports in accordance with the requirements of the business. The database is essential to the functioning of today's computerised accounting systems

31-40 |
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The Scope of Mobile Commerce in India – An Analysis
Sheetal Suresh Sukate
The purpose of this research paper is to analyse the significant growth of Mobile commerce in India. The significant growth of M-commerce application is remarkable in India. More and more consumer is transferring to M-commerce to achieve better and fast transaction into market. M-commerce is complex in nature and includes changing procedure in market. mcommerce is emerging level in India. The astounding rate growth in mobile penetration in India, higher mobile technology and networking is coming day by day. Now a mobile phone is not only use for text SMS or phone call but also be used for many other activities like browsing of internet chatting or other virtual activities.

41-48 |
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An examination of the part new innovations in social media marketing have in the development of digital marketing
Nisha D/o Rishi Pal
The meteoric surge in popularity of social media platforms compelled marketers to include these platforms in addition to more traditional components of functional marketing sectors. Specifically, The majority of information sharing between social media users occurs through applications and technologies based on the Internet or mobile phones. At this point, the number of individuals who utilise social media platforms has surpassed the population of many countries throughout the globe. It is possible to evaluate the effect social media has had on marketing by contrasting marketing practises that were in place before the advent of social media with those in place after their introduction and by analysing the various technologies utilised in social media.

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Review of the Impact of Financing Decisions on Business Performance
Dr Manohar Goel
The use of debt or equity to finance the urge of an organization; have always been the matter of debate as these decisions are of irreversible in nature. The present study aims to feed the famine urge of existing literature pertaining to the ambiguous outcomes of measuring the role of funding sources on corporate performance. The study incorporates all the related previous published researches during the tenure of 2008-2020 from the database of Google Scholar, after which certain filtration has been performed. Studies having only selected variables have been elected to make a thorough analysis

59-72 |
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Dr. Nirmal Vijay D.
District Central Cooperative Bank plays anessential role in the agriculture and rural development of the Ahmednagar district. The ADCC Bank has more reached to the rural area of Ahmednagar, via their huge network. The ADCC Bank Ahmednagartake action as mediator between State Cooperative Bank and Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies (PACSs). The success of cooperative credit movement in a district is largely depends on their financial strength.

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Dr.Chaitali Bhattacharya
The types of artificial intelligence advances are growing rapidly today and are an essential part of PC programming. Artificial intelligence is at the point of convergence of imaginative works of speculations, outlines, advances and applications to show and build upon human intelligence. There are three central issues of improvement in artificial intelligence, clearly data, assessment and inference power, as passing on an illustration model requires key data to establish a computation, and in addition to deal with the boundary making experience is required. In the era of big data, information can originate from various sources (such as sensor structures, IoT devices and systems, as well as online redirection steps) and is also a space with different embellishments.

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Role of Self Help Groups in Improving Monetary Wellbeing of Women in India
Dr Sanjog D Tupe
The advent of liberalization and globalization in India, in the early 1990s intensified women workers issue in the unorganized sector, as most women engaged in various self-employment activities lost their livelihoods. Although women contribute to the household and the national economy, their work is seen as merely an extension of the domestic sphere and is unpaid. In India, Self Help Groups (SHGs) dominate the microfinance scene as an essential tool for providing financial services to the "Unreached Disadvantaged" and improving their collective self-help capacity, contributing to empowerment. Rapid progress in creating SHGs has now been transformed into a national initiative for women's empowerment. Microfinance is needed to overcome exploitation and build confidence in the rural poor's economic self- sufficiency, especially among rural women.

97-105 |