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** Peer Reviewed, UGC App, UGC CARE, Scopus and WoS (w) 9034872290


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Dr. Rajender Kumar

It is high time for growers and others who are engaged in marketing of mango in India to commit themselves whole-heartedly to adopt proper harvest practices. Adoption of proper methods and practices right from harvesting to final marketing would help in maintaining quality of fruit desired by consumer which can fetch the grower better prices and high profit. It is in the interest of grower to harvest produce by keeping in view the quality parameters desired by consumer and follow proper practices and thereby maintain quality and reduce losses in harvest phase.

  • Consumer Perception Towards Adoption of Electric Vehicles – An Exploratory Study on the City of Amritsar

Dr. Meghna Aggarwal Tushar Batra

A new technology is always perceived to be better than existing technologies in the market. New technology offers relative advantages and makes significant impact on adoption of green technology. The current study uncovers the dimensions of choices of electric vehicles and its perception in the perspective of consumers. The analysed data is collected using the quantitative analysis method with questionnaire survey as an instrument from 107 respondents residing in Amritsar city. Most of respondents have driving skills and most of them either hold a valid driving license and others have applied for. The paper offers insights about the knowledge and opinions of consumers on selection of electric vehicle brand. Taking into account the findings the extracted dimensions of consumer perception are Design, Environment Friendly and Safety. These dimensions are engaged with price of vehicle, Durability, elegance, design, energy efficiency, accident safety, maintenance cost, segment and driving range respectively to document how it impacts the perception of consumers. Consumers are analytical towards initial pricing of the vehicle. The study shows consumers prefers most affordable model as their first choice and prefer hatchbacks over SUVs.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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