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This paper is focuses on Foreign Direct Investment and its impact on India. The traditional practice of selling goods to the consumer is unorganized retail like Kirana store, Momstore. They have contact with local customer in relation seeming to be relatives, Usually they are mingled with their customer as neighbor. By the time and economy goes up, the consumers purchasing power and preference is changing. Based on the taste & preference, now the unorganized sector is converting into organized sector that starts from the urbanized area. Compared to other industry, the retail industry is bigger booming potential industry. Each and every in need of product approach the retail shop. The domestic organized players are very few in comparison of unorganized player. Compared with the international organized player, the domestic players who are in the lack of capital are not effective in healthy competition.

  • Internal Control System and Performance of Listed Money Deposit Bank in Nigeria

Florence Okpoanwan ITA1; Olaleye, J. O. (PhD)2 .

The aim of the study is to investigate into the Internal Control System and Performance of Listed Money Deposit Banks in Nigeria, with a particular emphasis on the impact of COSO components of internal control on the performance metrics of bank efficiency, operational performance, and asset safety in Nigerian listed money deposit banks (MDBs). The study was guided by both control theory and agency theory, particularly anchored on agency theory. The study employed a descriptive survey research approach, with a population of 1,502 staff members from all head offices of the eight selected DMBs with international authorization. The sample size for this study was 316, determined using the Taro Yamane sampling size technique. The study focused on all staff members at the head offices of the eight selected DMBs with international authorization. Purposive sampling was utilized to target at least one branch of each of the eight DMBs in, Nigeria that have international permission. Simple percentages, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used to examine the data gathered. Positive relationships are found between internal control system components and bank efficiency, operational performance, and asset safety (p 0.05). Risk assessment enhances bank efficiency and operational performance, but has little influence on asset safety. The internal control system has a substantial effect on bank efficiency (F(5, 305) = 36.880, p.001), operational performance (F(5, 305) = 29.361, p.001), and asset safety (F(5, 305) = 38.998, p.001). Finally, the internal control system has a significant impact on the performance of Nigerian deposit money banks (DMBs), with the Control Environment, Monitoring Activities, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, and Information and Communication variables all playing important roles in improving bank efficiency. It is advised that DMBs undertake frequent training and development programs, incorporate best and trending evaluation approaches, and create partnership with regulatory agencies to further improve their performance efficiency.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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