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  • The Long-Term knowledge Effects Of Gamification Case study in Finance Contexts

Najwa Aldareer

With the modern interest of involving new approach to increase students engagement, gamifiaction in education has been introduced. Gamification is a game based learning approach to help participant to achieve a certain goal. The involvement of gamification in classroom has shown some impact on students. This research paper tests the influence of gamification in finance topics and to what extent

  • A Study On The Impact Of Shopping Malls On Retail Sector With Special Reference To Nattika Panchayath Of Thrissur District

* Krishna Sivaraman ** Praveena Vijayan

Retail is the process of selling goods and services to customers through various channel of dis tribution with the ultimate aim of earning profit. Retail sector have contributed to employmen t and income generation to very large sections of the society thereby improving the standard o f living. Shopping malls are large corporate entities with huge capital and infrastructural facili ties which is now seen in every metropolitan cities of the country. Now the shopping malls co ntribute to business sector more significantly than any other type of organized sector. With th e increased number of shopping malls the existing small retail sector faces problems like cutth roat competition, insufficient capital, absence of professionalism and lack of application of m odern techniques

  • Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of Private Banks in India

Dr.Virender Singh Atwal

Corporate governance systems have been studied extensively in terms of their impact on business performance. Corporate governance and business performance are intertwined, according to the literature. The overwhelming majority agrees. This article examines the impact of corporate governance systems, particularly board structures and CEO duality, on the performance of several Indian banks. The goal is to use statistical approaches to study the impact of CEO Duality on business performance as measured by ROA and ROE in India utilising public and private bank samples. The goal of this research is to see if there is a link between corporate governance and financial performance.\r\n

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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