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  • Electoral Reforms in India – Defects and Solutions

Dr. Chiman lal

Abstract: One of the recent changes in the political scene is lowering the age of the vote to 18 years that means the number of votes has now increased. But along with it the problem of managing such a large number of voters has also increased.

  • Study of Co-operative Societies and its Role in the Rural Development

Dr. Sadhana Thakre

Abstract: India is mainly an agricultural society with more than half of its population residing in the villages. Rural sector is the key contributor to the overall GDP of the nation and hence lack of development in villages means lack of development in India

  • Role of Human Resource Management in Targeting Organizational Goal

Dr. Mrs. Sangita M. Jiwankar

Abstract: The practice of HRM must be viewed as a consolidated effort of achieving overall strategic goals for the organization instead of a standalone activity. This can be explained with help of example. In case of training of the employees it won’t be proper to just carry out the training activity as standalone activity. Instead it should be viewed as a part of overall business strategy of the firm.



Abstract: Trade unionism today is the outcome of a long struggle of the working class. It is a process under which the habits and intentions of the employers are intended on the one hand and the working classes are organized to achieve their social and economic ends on the other. It is a long road from a laissez-faire state to the welfare state.

  • Interpreting Human Values in Hemingway’s Novels

Dr. (Mrs.) Anuradha Gaur

Abstract: Hemingway is often spoken of as a nihilist, as a writer holding no values. In spite of his Nobel prize, it is not too difficult to dismiss him as a writer devoid of any moral concerns. The reason for this may be his preoccupation with sex, blood, violence, disillusionment and death. Infact, these things were common factors of American fiction of the post war generation. Hemingway and his contemporaries like Dos Passos, Scott Fitzgerald and Faulkner lived in the twentieth century America which experienced the tremors caused by two devastating wars; the ennui caused by growing mechanization of life due to technological progress and due to growing brutality and

  • Alan Sillitoe’s Last Loves: Discovery of the ‘Quintessential Self’ through Love

Dr. L.N. Seshagiri

Abstract: Alan Sillitoe belongs to the rare class of writers who offer myriad opportunities to understand life through various and varied characters. He is a prolific writer of the 20th Century who never hesitates to subtly blend the autobiographical element in the characters that he has created with at most interest and care. His early novels offered his ‘angry young man’s’ side and towards the culmination of his career, one may not miss the spiritual side of his essential self through his characters.

  • प्राचीन भारत में शूद्रो की सामाजिक स्थिति

डाॅ0 राकेष रंजन सिन्हा

Abstract: ऋग्वेद में शूद्र शब्द का स्पष्ट उल्लेख पुरूष सुक्त में है जिसमें कहा गया है कि विष्व-पुरूष के चरणों में शूद्र की उत्पत्ति हुई। ऋग्वेद की एक दूसरी ऋचा से शूद्र के कार्य या श्रम करने का पता चलता है। विष्व-पुरूष के पैरों से शूद्र की उत्पत्ति का अर्थ विद्वानों ने यह लगाया कि उसका जन्म समाज के तीन अन्य वर्गो की सेवा करने के लिए हुआ था। कुछ विद्वानों के अनुसार ऋग्वैदिक काल के समाज में दासों (अनार्यो) की गणना शूद्र वर्ण में की गई क्योंकि वे शारीरिक और सांस्कृतिक दोनों दृष्टिकोणों से आर्यो से भिन्न थे।


Dr Mir Nusrat Ali

Abstract: As a style of leadership, transformational leadership is well-respected all around the world. In 2006, S. R. Covey wrote. A person's mental and emotional routines. Located Inside Indiana's Economy. To fill the gaps in the existing literature and gain a better understanding of the relationship between transformational leadership, employee engagement, and job performance, this review will primarily focus on secondary sources in Hyderabad, Telangana. Through the power of vision and trust, transformational leaders are able to inspire, involve, and mobilise their followers.To improve performance and organisational outcomes, Ehigiase and Olu (2013) investigate how transformational leadership boosts enthusiasm and dedication among workers. Hyderabad Telangana is a dynamic region and one of the growing industries like IT pharmaceuticals service sectors then necessarily leadership has played a pivotal role in transforming such competencies. This review synthesises qualitative empirical evidence that shows how and why trans-formational leadership enhances workforce engagement and performance.In addition, this review explores the cultural and industrial peculiarities of Hyderabad that refer to a dispersed and international workforce and organisational practices. This research will identify the cut and thrust of transformational leadership in this part of the world and the findings shall be valuable to scholars and facilitators of leadership development. According to the policies compared, it is possible to assert that organizational leadership in companies located in Hyderabad needs to correspond to employees’ expectations and establish key priorities that would help benefit from workforce creativity and guarantee long-term development. This research fits within the body of literature related to leadership and organizational behaviour with a focus on the application of promoted transformational leadership in the enhancing the targeted employee results in Hyderabad, Telangana.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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