Comparison of Stochastic Volatility Jump Diffusion Model without Shot Noise With Heston Model
Jitendra Singh
One well-known issue with the standard Black-Scholes (BS) approach when attempting to simulate option pricing or asset returns is that it is impossible to duplicate the observed skews/smiles for the second case and the empirical features of asset returns for the first. Adding jumps or stochastic volatility to the underlying process is a popular solution to this issue. This paper studies the stochastic volatility jump diffusion(SVJD) model without shot noise(SN) and compare with Heston model. Further, it is reviewing their theoretical properties, and focusing on their ability to model asset returns by analyzing their statistical properties. The models are calibrated usingU.S. OIL FUND (ETF) (NYSEArca: USO) option prices. Finally, numerical illustration of SVJD models without SN are consistent with the real data in compare to Heston model.