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  • Solving Delay Differential Equations Using Mohand Transform

1Neetu, 2Dr. Jyoti Gupta

An integral transform named as Mohand Transform which is used for solving non-linear Delay differential equations (DDEs). Here, outcome is attained as a succession by assigning the Mohand transform to the nonlinear delay differential equations and later disintegrate nonlinear term to find out Adomnian polynomial. The results obtained by this method are quite effective and reliable.

  • Behavior Analysis of Four Unit Cold Standby System using RPGT: A Case study of Laxmi Industrial Plant Rohtak

Elam Siwach , Sangeeta Malik ,Jai Bhagwan

This paper discusses behaviour Analysis of a Four Unit Cold Standby System utilizing RPGT- A Case study of Laxmi Industrial Plant situated in Rohtak based Markov modeling to model the structure parameter equations and a single permanent repairman who is 24x7 available using the Regenerative Point Graphical Technique (RPGT). This paper covers the stochastic modeling of a structure with four series-arranged machineries-Part Framer (A), Traub Machines (B), CNC Turning Machines (C), and Centerless Grinding Machines (D) are operating at maximum capacity. While units A, B, and C consist of a single component, machine D consists of three components: one is online and active, while the additional dual are in cold standby, organized in parallel, and become active when the online component fails.


Kamal Kumar1 , Virender2 , Nikita Dalal3

We present 2-woven frames in 2-Hilbert spaces and discuss some of its characteristics in this work. Additionally, operators for 2-woven frames are developed, and some associated results are established for these operators in 2-Hilbert spaces.The required two-sample and change-point tests in Sections will be developed using the theoretical contributions. Here, the suggested method's utility is more obvious because it can be challenging to distinguish variations between two smooth curves in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, in many practical scenarios, minor differences might not even be significant. Instead of trying to test for exact equality under the null hypothesis, the "relevant" setting is used, which allows preset deviations from an assumed null function. Its relationship to operators is the rationale behind its selection and study in the thesis. We construct frame sequences and investigate a class of operators associated with a particular Bessel sequence, which transforms it into a frame for all operators in the class.

Collaboration Partners
  • Indian Journals

  • Swedish Scientific

  • The Universal
    Digital Library

  • Green Earth Research
    And Publishing House

  • Rashtriya Research Institute
    Of New Medical Sciences

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